Government Sales Operations
Indeco North America’s Government Sales Operations have been established to specifically address the unique requirements of government and military agencies as well as various prime and sub contractors on the federal, state and local level.
As active participants in numerous GSA, DoD and other federal and state government contracts, Indeco’s Government Sales Team has a long and proud history of providing sales, service and support of construction and demolition equipment to numerous government agencies on the local, state and federal level.
that focuses
on government agencies
We feature a targeted professional staff that focuses on government agencies. With the ability to connect to any number of individuals on our team, your agency is always just a moment away from complete, knowledgeable service and support covering all aspects of installation, implementation, service and repair.
For nearly three decades, we’ve tackled just about every demolition and excavation issue government and military agencies face. As one of the few demolition attachment manufacturers with a dedicated
Indeco North America offers one of the most extensive product lines available for a wide variety of construction and mining applications. Which means there’s no demolition or excavation application that’s too big or too small for Indeco.
Full Customization
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Fast Delivery
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Indeco Support
Vivamus tincidunt gravida ex, at fringilla lectus tincidunt sit amet. Morbi sit amet sapien tempus arcu condimentum suscipit sed ut quam. Aenean sed erat sollicitudin, scelerisque dui et, facilisis quam.
For Every Mission
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