
Quality certification UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

20 May 2024

Anybody familiar with the Indeco brand knows all about the quality of our products and related services. Quality that we have always strived to achieve and which over time has led us to become a touchstone in the global market for hydraulic excavator attachments. To this end, growing esteem on the part of our clients represents the primary and foremost validation of our efforts.

Precisely for this reason, we thought it only fair to offer them and all those who interact with our products, an additional guarantee on the efficiency of the processes determining the reliability of our organisation. Our company management system has thus been certified in accordance the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard. More than an achievement, this certification represents an important step in our organisation’s continuous process of improvement, seeking to achieve the utmost satisfaction of our customers and earn their trust more and more, every day.

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